For your custom needs, please call Busy Bee Brushware on (03) 9768 2865 or BB Engineering Plastics on (03) 87925 600. 

Your Simple Pest-Free Home Solution

Gutter Brush can be used in more than your gutters!

Keeping your home safe from unwanted guests like birds, possums, and other pests doesn’t have to be a complex task. With the design of the Gutter Brush, you can create an effective barrier that prevents these intruders from finding their way into your living space. Although mainly used in guttering to prevent debris build up, the simplicity of this brush makes it a basic yet highly effective solution for pest control.

What is Gutter Brush?

Gutter Brush is made from hard-wearing UV Stabilised polypropylene bristles twisted into galvanized steel wire. Manufactured in 1 metre lengths, the brush can be cut with bolt cutters into smaller pieces and pressed into gaps and crevices anywhere that pests can venture. Remember to use bolt cutters as this will crimp the ends of the twist wire so that the bristles remain intact.

To utilise the Gutter Brush, follow these straightforward steps:

  • Identify open crevices around your home, including gaps under eaves, spaces between weatherboards, or openings in brickwork.
  • Put on protective gloves to handle the Gutter Brush.
  • Push the Gutter Brush into these identified crevices.
  • Allow the tough, spiky bristles of the Gutter Brush to act as a deterrent.
  • The bristles not only deter birds and possums but also discourage mice, rats, and even snakes.
  • These creatures find the sensation of the bristles on their whiskers or skin unpleasant.

However, if you are unsure or you face a persistent pest issue, it’s advisable to seek guidance from a local Pest Control professional.

Where to buy

Choose family-owned Busy Bee Brushware for your Gutter Brush solution. Manufactured locally in our factory in Dandenong South with materials from local Suppliers, our Gutter Brush has been licenced with the Australia Made Campaign.

Available in single units, or discounted box prices.  A simple solution for helping to keep your home well maintained and pest-free.

Contact us now for more information.

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