For your custom needs, call Busy Bee Brushware on 0397682865 or BB Engineering Plastics on 0387925600. 

  • Custom & Industrial Brushware

Custom & Industrial Brushware

At Busy Bee Brushware, we can design and manufacture a brush to suit your particular application.  We have a small manufacturing facility in Dandenong South Victoria, and we pride ourselves on the ability to provide specialist brush design advice, quality workmanship and fast turnaround.  We can handle small and large batch quantities.

Our machine technology available allows us to produce twist wire brushes, punch and staple brushes, strip brush… and even the old-fashioned hand drawn brushes. We use a range of fibre for our brushes, including Polypropylene, Nylon, Brass Wire, Stainless Steel Wire, Polyester, Polyethylene, Horse Hair, Tampico, plus a range of specialist fibre.

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